Border Terrier Club of America
2021 National Specialty
June 5th to June 10th
All events and activities will be held at the Sussex Fairgrounds
This event to be held outdoors at the Sussex County Fairgrounds, Augusta, New Jersey
6 to 18 Months and Veteran Sweepstakes - judged by Jan Hewitt, Sparravohn
18 to 30 Months Sweepstakes - judged by Star Ott, Ott To Be
Breed Competition - judged by Graham Pickering, Picer
6 Months to 18 Months Puppy and Veteran
Jan Hewitt
I grew up in a family with various dog breeds including Cocker Spaniels, Rat Terriers, Toy Fox Terriers and Chihuahuas – two terrier breeds and the Chihuahua breed whose standard states “terrier like temperament”. We also bred, trained, showed and worked Quarter Horses - the original breed before it was cross bred. Our Quarter Horses were cutting, reigning and trail horses one of whom was a multiple year National Champion in multiple show venues who retired to work in the stock yards cutting cattle. This background of multiple terrier/terrier like breeds and the working Quarter Horses set for me what the old time Quarter Horse people define as “coming from stock” and has influenced my outlook on breeding and showing Border Terriers which exemplify form following function.
My involvement with Border Terriers began in 1989 when I was looking for a breed with whom I could show starting with obedience and growing into breeding and conformation. Participating also in earthdog, tracking and a little bit of agility has rounded out my view of the Border Terrier as “essentially a working terrier”.
The Border Terrier has always faced challenges to remain the true unexaggerated essential terrier for which it was originally developed in the Border country. My focus is preserving the historical physical, mental and temperamental characteristics of this wonderful breed.
I have served in numerous positions in the Border Terrier Club of America including Board Member, Recording Secretary and President. I am a long time member of the Border Terrier Club of America Health and Genetics Committee actively involved in moving research forward. I have served in various other positions in the BTCA and the Northeast Border Terrier Club, and was honored to be the Sweepstakes Judge for the Border Terrier Club of Ontario National Specialty (2010) and for The Border Terrier Club Canada National Specialty (2016).
I am honored to have been asked to judge Sweepstakes for the BTCA 2021 National Specialty, and look forward to seeing you and your Borders Terriers in June.
18 Months to 30 Months
Sweepstakes Judge
Star Ott
When I purchased my first purebred dog in 1979, I never thought I would find it such a life changing experience. For the next 20 years, as I raised my children, I dabbled in dogs by showing my own and helping friends. In 1999, an opportunity came up for me to get involved with my friend’s Border Terriers. I learned to groom them and show them and finally, one of those dogs, Ch. Riggsrun Ott-To-Be Hot Stuff, JE, became my first full time BT. Since then, I have added additional dogs, either through purchase, co-ownership, or breeding.
In addition to adding Border Terriers to the house, I started working for a number of professional handlers, specializing in various groups. This gave me an opportunity to learn more about the care and grooming of a variety of breeds, from all the groups. I learned a lot about handling and evaluation of the dogs, as I was able to put hands on so many great dogs, as well as a lot of young up-and-coming dogs. I would then go read standards for breeds I was unfamiliar with, so I could better understand each one. What a great education I had being able to see with my hands what I had read in each standard.
What an honor to be able to judge part of the sweepstakes classes at the 2021 National Specialty. I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful puppies that will be in my ring.
Graham Pickering
Born and bred in Yorkshire, England, I have been around dogs all my life. I got my first Border Terrier, Spike in 1972 he was joined by Jock a year later. In 1984, I bought a puppy called Reedwater Thistledown, took her to her local show and the rest is history.
In 1993, I bought Heronfield Primrose who became the founding bitch of our current kennel and was mother to Ch Picer Crackerjack, Picer King Vita and Picer Zefa Fino. CC winning Picer Crackerjill, daughter of Ch Picer Crackerjack had two litters, including 4 Champions; Ch Picer Polyanthus JW, Ch Picer Grace Darling JW, Am Ch Picer Wotta Conundrum and Ch Picer Bright Idea JW, who was top winning Border Terrier in the UK in 2008 and 2009.
I enjoy judging at championship shows in the United Kingdom. When judging, I like to see an honest, unexaggerated Border Terrier in fit, hard condition, that looks like it could do a day’s work given the opportunity. I believe that the phrase ‘head like that of an Otter’ is the unique selling point of the breed and I especially like dogs with what has been described in the UK as a “varminty’ expression. Over the last 5 decades I have had a great deal of fun and excitement working, showing and judging Border Terriers. I am extremely honoured to have been asked to judge The Border Terrier Club of America Speciality Show and am really looking forward to the event.