Border Terrier Club of America
2021 National Specialty
June 5th to June 10th
All events and activities will be held at the Sussex Fairgrounds
Special Events on Tuesday June 8, 2021 - Judging on Wednesday June 9, 2021
Heading 1
Ruth Ann Naun
Present Border Terrier Club of
America positions held:
Member at Large,
Board of Directors
(second term presently)
AKC Delegate
(elected by membership
since 1983)
Chairperson, Judges
Education Committee
(Board appointment 2011)
Historian/Archivist (Board appointed 2011)
Judges Education Seminar Presenter
(Board appointed 2004)
Confirmation Judging Mentor
(Board appointed 2004)
In 1972, Ruth Ann and her husband, Bob Naun, got their first Border Terrier, joined the BTCA, and attended their first Specialty with their too young puppy. Since then they established the Oldstone (reg. prefix) line as active breeders, in the New York City metro area. They showed forty-five Border Terriers to their championship. Of these, four are Gold Register of Merit (ROM), three are Silver ROM, and two are Bronze ROM.
Ruth Ann also judges the breed having done the Specialty three times (1992,2004, and 2014), and championship level breed judging in Britain three times (Paignton Championship Show 2003, and The Border Terrier Club Show, 2008, Manchester Championship Show 2016).
Ruth Ann is a founding/charter member, and past president of the Northeast Border Border Terrier Club, and a thirty-eight year member of The Border Terrier Club (British).
Tuesday June 8th
We’ll be celebrating our Junior Handlers.
In the afternoon, we’ll host a luncheon and “Presenting the Border Terrier” workshop. All junior exhibitors are encouraged to attend and bring their dogs for the workshop.
Tuesday Evening
We will be hosting a Junior Handler Celebration
just before the Parade of Honor
Each Junior will do a presentation of their dog
and receive a certificate to commemorate
showing at the National Specialty.
All Junior exhibitors should submit
a photo of themselves and their dog along
with a brief bio - 150 words or less -
to Lauren Ronse (