Border Terrier Club of America
2021 National Specialty
June 5th to June 10th
All events and activities will be held at the Sussex Fairgrounds
This event to be held outdoors at the Sussex County Fairgrounds
Monday June 7, 2021
​Judges for these events:
Rally Judge : Karen Wrey
Obedience Judge: Sara Steele
Karen Wrey
Karen Wrey is recently retired from teaching Elementary School. Working with young children and their families was instrumental in helping Mrs. Wrey develop patience, fair and consistent evaluation practices and excellent communication skills.
Growing up in a small Upstate New York town, Karen was surrounded by a variety of animals including a pet Prairie Dog. Karen’s love for dogs and training quickly expanded when she rescued a very large, very unruly, male Doberman Pinscher. Obedience training was not an option with Max, it was a necessity! Max easily earned his Rally titles and then went on to get his CDX as well. Karen’s second Doberman, Desi earned her Rally titles, Obedience UD, and Conformation Championship.
Since the beginning with Max, Karen went on to work with the Westchester County 4 H Canine Kids, as well as teaching Obedience and Rally for the Taconic Hills Kennel Club. She is a member of The Dog Obedience Training Club of Waterbury, the Tri State Dog Obedience Club, and the Port Chester Obedience Training Club.
Karen is currently the President of the Doberman Pinscher Club of the Tappan Zee. She is also a member of The Saw Mill River Kennel Club, Taconic Hills Kennel Club and the Putnam Kennel Club where she has worked as Obedience Chair, Trophy Chair, held various Board positions and done CGC evaluations.
When Karen isn’t busy with dog related activities and judging, she enjoys, watercolor painting, photography, reading, scrapbooking, kayaking, biking, hiking and RV-ing with her husband, Richard, and their current, Doberman, Freida. The Wrey family will be actively looking for a new puppy in the near future. Life is good!
Sara Steele
Sara Steele has been involved with dogs her entire life, but it was not until March of 1984, when she obtained her first purebred dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog, that she got into formal Obedience. More Berners and more dog sports---Drafting, Agility, and Rally---were to follow. Judging (Obedience, Rally, Draft, CGC) happened along the way also. In recent years, Sara has had rescued pit bulls, showing one of them to RAE 3. She wishes to thank the members of the Border Terrier Club of America for the honor of judging for their Specialty.